This was as precious as something Isaiah said a week ago (which I may have already written about; I think about it enough, I don’t remember). We were talking about the verse in Proverbs that says, “May I have neither too much nor too little, lest I either forget God in my pride, or steal in order to live.” And Isaiah said, “Just like us! We have neither too much nor too little.”
I looked around our 224 square foot construction trailer, complete with roaches and 88 degree weather, but also containing love and the provision of the Lord.
“Isaiah, you’re exactly right. Just like us.”
Phil spent some time in continuing education, as he read more about grazing management. There is so much to learn, and so much of it has to come on the fly.
A few seeds, after four days in the soil, are poking up. New life! New promise!

Phil finished the new chicken pen, complete with roosts and nesting boxes. He seeded one of the boxes with eggs, because I think the birds are confused by such luxury. What?! A dedicated place to lay eggs?! Amazing.
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