For the second year in a row, we offer this photo of our family at New Year's; this year, in front of our church-at-an-elementary-school. Happy New Years.
Phil spent yesterday afternoon building a pen for picking up pigs today. Using some of our lumber, he made this handsome crate to fit right in the back of our van. You can see the bottom has the extra slats, used to block up the end, for easier pig loading.
We picked up long desired Gloucester Old Spot piglets after church. We got to talking to pig breeder Connie, and had such a pleasant time (she invited us in for a tour of her beautiful new home, made mostly from scrounged materials). In her barn, she has a rocking chair, and demonstrated one nice boar who would sprawl on her lap. She rocks him to sleep.
One of her pigs gave birth on Friday, and the seven teeny piglets crawled all over her. Incredibly, this mother was so mild-mannered, Isaiah and Abraham joined Connie inside the pen, and let the boys pet and pick up the piglets.
We loaded four piglets into our pen: two females for breeding, a magnificent boar, and a slightly runty boar for breeding. By the time we got home, the sun had gone down, and with no moon, we opted to leave the piglets in the van overnight (we did try to move the pen out, but with 200 pounds of pig and a fairly hefty pen, we couldn't budge it). We've had enough experience with unloading animals at dusk and having them run wild for days. No thanks.
Other photos of the last week.
The largest turnip in my garden. I was pleased with it, until I read that turnips are better when 3" in diameter or less. Oops.
Lettuce yet alive in my garden bed, surrounded by dessicated kale leaves.
Our Adopt-a-Hoo students brought their pet hamster, Neville, to church today, and Isaiah enjoyed holding her (I know, I know: Neville isn't a standard girl name). Isaiah loves animals!
On Christmas, Isaiah lost his first tooth. Phil's genetics make teeth persist in the jaw for a long time, but one tooth is finally out.
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