Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cows Join the Sheep

Yesterday morning, after a night without water, I opened the gate to the paddock and all the sheep and goats happily filed in. I made sure to latch the gate securely, and went to slop the pigs when I watched in disbelief as the sheep and goats knelt down and squeezed under the gate. Why they hadn't figured out how to do that the previous couple of weeks, I don't know, but they know now.

The animal issues continue. I went to push a round bale, placed right outside the gate, into the pen. I managed to flip the 1000 pound bale on its edge, but when I tried to maneuver it (single handedly) through the gate, I accidentally pushed it flat, and then, with the slight rain we've had, I couldn't get my feet to stay under me so I could roll the bale again. So there it was, stuck in the opening of the gate, Red the bull blocking further progress, even if I could get enough purchase under foot to move it.

So I left it there, blocking the gate. And, predictably, all the cows soon joined the sheep in the outer area. I strung up an electric line (and electrified it) so the cows and calves don't decide to press their luck with the non-electrified sheep netting (the calves were getting awfully close, and I would rather Beatrice not tear her ear by getting her tag stuck in the netting: once was enough).

As darkness fell, I felt fairly secure that the animals would be fine for the night. But when I went to get some more salt for dinner, I hear gushing water. Somehow the cows had figured out how to raise the handle on the spigot to get water. (If they would walk into their proper pen, they could have water at any time! Argh!) Sadly, they didn't figure out how to turn off the water. I was thankful to hear the water flow so soon after the cows turned it on: a flooded field and a dry well would have most unpleasant to discover tomorrow morning. I hope the cows don't remember how to turn the faucet on!

I planted several thousand onion seeds over the last couple of days. The asparagus is growing again, too: I've had about 30 more little seedlings sprout in the last two days. I pulled one nice asparagus stalk and noticed that there are multiple rootlets reaching the edge of the 2" block. For a little two inch sprout, that's a lot of root! Awesome.

Of the four varieties of peppers I planted last week, almost all the jalapenos have sprouted, but none of the other peppers have.

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