Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ewe Lamb Number Eight

After a short while planting and transplanting today, I was reading to the boys when Phil poked his head in: "Bethlehem dropped a lamb."

Ewe lamb number eight! Bethlehem did a great job overall, although I did tie her nose at one point to trim her dirty wool tags and allow her baby to actually nurse. As a first time mother, I think Bethlehem was squeamish about anyone or anything touching her udder.

Experienced mom Acorn, though, doesn't mind her lamb kneeling to eat. What a cute thing to see!

Baby name: Capernaum, in keeping with the names of cities in Israel.

We are starting to wonder if we will be able to sell all our sheep.

Abraham, Isaiah, and Joe all go into the sheep pen to love on bum lamb Catechism, not so rejected now, as Isabella lets the baby eat and the baby doesn't wander around, pitifully bawling and trying to nurse from rams and wethers.

Abraham especially loves to just sit and hold the baby. He hasn't shown much interest in any of the animals in the past, but he is liking this one.

This was an exciting day for me, in many ways. Before we started farming, I wanted to grow nutrient-dense food, especially for people who had read the transformative Nourishing Traditions and would desire raw milk, soy-free eggs and meat, pastured chickens and beef. And today I was able to sell some food to a stranger who had asked.

What an amazing privilege: to have healthy food available for one who needed it! Yay!

Phil seeded the neighbor's land with grass seed. He is glad to be done with that seeder. (He also finished our taxes and got more hay, but that is less interesting to read about.)

And the contractors came today to level our metal building, bringing a huge excavator and a man with a laser level. The excavator man would take a scoop, and the level guy would check the height. In this way, they apparently finished the 40'x50' pad in about four hours, or something else similarly fast.

The redbuds are just peeping out pink. Maybe you can see some behind Joe's head.

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