A nice young family came to look at the Babydolls late Sunday afternoon. They ended up taking our white ram, our most beautiful ewe (black, but unpapered), and Isabella.
A great starter flock.
They had such a creative method to contain the animals: a wooden crate they had for tiles, which they flipped up, put in hay, and then, when all three animals were loaded, screwed down a sheet of plywood. Simple, brilliant, used what they had: epitome of farm ingenuity.
So goodbye to Ewok, Benny, and (Rotten) Isabella. You taught us much, and we were glad of your presence.
The weather was cold enough, we got out our heater. The first year here, we didn't need supplemental heat until about the 16th, so we are two weeks ahead in chilliness.
After dinner, we all sat in the clean motor home and read aloud in front of the heater. It was very cozy.
You guys also sold me a different trio, black ram and 2 white ewes. They are doing well, btw.