During our inch-plus rain yesterday, Phil and the older boys went to see Tintin in the theater. Jadon received the complete collection of Tintin books a few years ago, and I think I pick up one or more of the books every day ... definitely the most popular books at this house. So the movie was a fun treat for the boys. They went out of their way to pick up a wooden barrel afterwards. We hope to make a biodynamic barrel compost in a couple of months.
The ground was quite soggy, but the sun shone merrily, so I made the family hike to the lower pasture. Phil and I had watched an interesting (though not comprehensive) DVD on cordwood construction, and I was curious about how many more trees we would need to cut down to get 40 face cords of wood (each face cord measures 4'x4'x18"). I think we'd need a good many more trees down, and all debarked. That's a large project.
One of the little wonders: Phil dropped a large tree and it fell and crushed our fence in two places (one for the main trunk and one for a large limb). The cherry trees we planted there this last November, though, emerged unscathed, though the dropped tree and limb landed only a foot or two away from two cherry trees.
The lower pasture needs some remediation. Every large rain deposits sheets of water. We need to divert the rain runoff differently.
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