While I spent another contented day mostly indoors (schooling, dishes, work, reading to the boys), Phil and our neighbor spent eight hours building forms for the foundation of the metal building. The got the entire outer perimeter placed in that time. Only the inner perimeter yet to go.
Physically demanding, with posts driven in with sledgehammer; mentally challenging, to determine the best way to build these things, a task Phil had never done before. But a great deal of visible progress!
Isaiah watched the men work most of the afternoon. When work finished for the day, he came down with a mysterious wooden creation. "It's a hobby horse!" he told me, designed and built by Isaiah, age eight.

Phil, despite rising at 5:30am to go to a Bible study in town, and then doing a bit of grocery shopping for me, working for eight hours, Phil headed out to do a few hours of fencing on the neighbor's land. What had been sagging now sags no more. "It's a happy looking fence," he told me.
The comfrey plantings continue to delight me. Over a third of the year-old plants are visible, and the cuttings are approaching ten percent. I had wondered how the broadleaf plant would emerge, and now I know. The leaves come up, folded tightly into little green spears.
comfrey bits
I went down to visit the bees. The Damaris hive especially hummed with activity, as dozens (hundreds?) of bees triangulated around the entrance. All those little fledgling fliers.
The moon garden, already sprinkled with nasturtiums and cosmos, has other little blooms budding out. It makes me eager for the coming weeks.
I'm expecting to harvest the garlic tomorrow. So today, I am enjoying a last look at the beautiful purple blooms of the three garlics that actually flowered.
We all had a good day.
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