Lest anyone have the wrong idea that the metal building is almost done: it's not up in any way.
But with the beams moved to the building site, we can access two rows of apple trees from the driveway for the first time in sixteen months.
After such dry weather, it was a great relief to have rain Sunday evening. More rain fell Monday, totaling almost an inch (which, ideally, is what should be falling every week. We're a little behind). With the cooler weather, I felt motivated to head out, at least for a while. I planted the six remaining mulberries in the greenhouse (they've been languishing in soil blocks).
Today I weeded in the greenhouse: snipped grass seedheads, then foolishly pulled grasses by hand. (It was very satisfying and fun to get those giant grass clumps up by the roots, but it was, in retrospect, foolish not to use the hoe. The hoe really does go faster.)
Phil was better today. But because the rain had fallen, the holes in concrete were no longer dry and ready for epoxy, which is the next step. Hmm. With thunderstorms predicted for the rest of the week, it might be some time before the building progresses more.
Phil first tried to use the ShopVac to suck the water. Not doable. Next he tried siphoning the water, sucking it into his mouth. Which would have been a good idea, except the alkaline concrete is still curing, and burned his tongue.
Maybe he used the bulb syringe; probably he had some other brainstorm. He dried out the holes and put in some permanent bolts.
Some of the holes took a good bit more epoxy than he expected, so he ordered some more, which should arrive on Thursday. In the meantime, he has a good idea of what he can do.
To close, I've been doing some school with the boys. Today I interviewed them, and one of the questions was, "What would you change in the world?" Jadon said, "Have everyone follow Jesus." In a separate conversation, Isaiah said that he would stop production of pasteurized milk.
Sounds like Lykosh indoctrination proceeds well.
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