The pump truck came today. (Happily, the cows hadn't quite run out of water: the half inch we've had, accumulated over three gentle rains helped a good bit.) The pump truck came, they pulled the old pump and installed the new. One of the crew mentioned that Phil had put the filter out of order: it was supposed to go directly to the pressure tank. Lucky Phil: plumbing is never his favorite task.
I spent some time putting compost on the orchard comfrey. I guess I did about 40 plants before I was totally sticky. I love (truly!) this time of year, with temperatures in the 80s and moist air. I can almost watch the plants grow: some of the most vigorous cleft grafted trees are now chest high; the orchard comfrey plants probably doubled in size in the last ten days (I can imagine them filling in the spaces between them now, rather than surviving as a few little leaves in the midst of a lot of dirt and weeds).
So I don't mind the humidity.
One little fun thing.
I was looking for goldenrod for tinctures, and noticed that a brown growth was hanging from one of my little hazelnut plants. Most of the hazelnuts died, but a few not only lived despite utter neglect, but I had a few nuts to harvest.
They are American hazelnuts, and thus tiny, but it was still fun to find.
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