The boys had a creative day. Joe made an impressive geomag structure, besides various Duplo planes and buildings with secret compartments.
Joe also came up with the most creative manipulation I've seen yet. He brought me a Post-it note and dictated a message for me to write. "I love you and read me a book." Then he put it in an envelope he found, closed the flap, and handed it to me. "This is for you." Subtle.
He realized, though, that gave me a bit too much latitude in book selection. He prefers the safe choices already on the boys' bookshelves to whatever new books I might dig up. So he cut up another paper specially to fit in an envelope and dictated a new message: "I love you. Read me a book on the shelf." That, too, went in an envelope.
Needless to say, I read to Joe a good bit today.
Abraham continues to make multiple comics every day: yesterday he finished one about 50 sheets of paper long; today he probably matched that output. We bought a box of 2500 sheets when we went to Costco: hopefully that will last until Christmas.
Jadon and Isaiah also developed a few comic strips, riffs on the One-Eyed Bart episodes in Toy Story. I was impressed especially with one of his description pages. Rather than centering the work on the page, he angled it, and attempted to record the events as if the words were actually cut off. (Maybe he saw such a thing in Tintin?)
Although it is not supposed to actually freeze tonight, the winds will apparently make it "feel like" 29. I brought in my little basil plant and dug up my lemon tree (apparently, though, lemons get nice tap roots: I left a good six inches in the ground, despite my best efforts). I'm not sure what to do with the lemon tree. The first winter, it fit on Jadon's dresser, now covered with books two deep. The second and third winters it lived in our broom closet, where it languished under a layer of scab and neglect. Now, though, it is bushy and massive. Perhaps it needs to be gifted to a friend: I don't think we want to live the next six months with a spiny lemon tree blocking our door.
At dusk, Phil and I walked over to get Snowman. This morning, Phil had opened up a few new paddocks so the cows had a good wind break and some new grass to eat. But poor Snowman: with the rain and his skinniness, he was shivering. Phil had fixed up a nice cattle panel enclosure in the big blue building, and with homeopathically dosed water, a hay bale for food, bedding, and warmth, we hoped Snowman would prefer that to the hurricane weather outside.
It wasn't easy to bring the bull over, but he was miserable enough that it didn't require more than general dragging by the leader. We didn't use the nose ring, but just the halter. Snowman grazed along the way, and then had a massive amount of diarrhea. Since that's a new symptom, apparently the homeopathy is having some affect. Or perhaps the fresh green grass after so much hay? Poor guy.
We brought Snowman to the door of the barn, but because the building entry was a bit darker than outside, Snowman put his hoof on the concrete foundation at the door, then backed up. The light differential and the unusual ground feel made him nervous.
Phil had a light right nearby and turned it on. Then, with a bit more tugging and pushing, Snowman went right in. We added apple cider vinegar for energy and aloe vera juice for intestinal soothing, covered him with hay for a bit for warmth (he soon shrugged it off), and left him in the covered dark, knowing we had done what we could.
So we wait for Snowman's turn for the better or worse and wait for the weather's fury or calm.
Love the comic artistry on the angle! That was masterful! . . . But you said Jadon and Isaiah worked on this stuff, but/and then you referred to "he" without mentioning which one of them it was who drew that "newspaper." Hats off to whichever one it was!