The daffodils are done now, and have been done for some time. But before they finished for the season, I took some photos of them, and of our spring in progress.
On March 28, the rye had just started to green over, like a nice carpet of grass. The denuded swales stood out sharply, and the line of daffodils was hardly a blip of yellow.

The plums just started to blossom. Our most sturdy tree, the best producer last year, probably lost all blossoms in a frost a few days after this, but what a lovely white bloom.

The peaches were just showing pink!

The apricot was showing pink, too, but that is a sad story. Those buds rest on the ground, where the tree snapped at the base during a storm. Poor Phil. He's been waiting four years for apricots.

Four days later, on April 1, the grass showed significant growth. Instead of a sparse lawn, it started to look a bit luxurious.

The peaches broke into bloom.

One peach had noticeably darker blossoms.

By April 11, the rye had shot up, and most of the daffodils were spent.

The comfrey had started to come in strongly. (At this point, the comfrey plants mostly touch one another in the greenhouse.)

The garlic was up well. This is the lovely time of year, before the garlic gets overwhelmed with weeds.

The apple tree grafts just started to leaf out.

And the redbuds finally broke into bloom.

The massive bulk of our daffodils are the standard cheery yellows, not even double blossomed like the fancy one at the start of the email. But the few final blooms show some differences, like white with orange sherbet centers.

Or white with solid orange centers.

Love your photos, Amy!