In preparation for the electrical work, Phil has done several tasks the last two days. He finished putting up the boxes, so they are ready for wiring. He spent some of yesterday parge-coating around the interior (almost finished).
Today he used a paint sprayer to spray one of the exterior panels in order to keep it durable as long as possible.
The actual painting took about five minutes with the sprayer: it was unbelievable.
Then he took the sprayer inside to paint the parge-coated walls. (Better to use cheap primer first than expensive paint that would get sucked in.) After doing a bit, he realized that the amount of time spent taping off windows and doors would be too long for now, so we'll wait on that for now.
Our friend Butch stopped by yesterday. Butch is a contractor, and he pointed out a few places where Phil needed more boards along the top of his framing: the dry-wall will need a surface to attach to. So Phil worked on that today, too: framing should be done before electrical begins, so this is the time to do it.
Now, as dark falls, Phil is out trenching for the eventual new line.
And I had been concerned that we would run out of things to do. Pshaw.
Isaiah found an interesting thing to do. In the small cleared space of the coffee table, he made a series of dots with a silly-putty like substance. I think it's supposed to be a maze. But that kept him occupied for quite some time.
aMAZing Isaiah! I like it. :-)