Monday I got up and milked out a quart. That was all. It made me a bit hysterical. I had somehow managed to destroy Bethany's milk production in one day. One book said that, to support good milk production, one should milk at least twice a day. But, unwilling to go out into the cold and dark, and nursing most of the time between 6 and 10pm, I had chosen the easy way and we had not enough milk for ourselves, let alone the calf.
Phil and Isaiah combined Bethany and calf again in hopes milk production would increase. I was thankful I wouldn't have to milk in the evening, or the following morning. (I must have been really tired.)
I went in to get the baby dressed and found that he had outgrown most of his newborn onesies. Wow! Four weeks and large enough to need the next size up.
Phil wired up the first electrical outlet.
Because the exterior walls have no drywall, the end result is a bit of a chunky, industrial look. But I rather like it.
He also worked on the floor trim, so it goes to the wall in one storage room.
The main room was a bit rough, with a lot of cut-outs along one wall.
A few rooms aren't quite done yet along the edges, though the bulk of the rooms are done.
It's coming along!
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