Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unpacking the Boxes

While Phil drove to C-ville to sign the well-drilling contract (set to start either a week from Friday or in two Mondays—and we’ll get a generator in the interim because the electricity is not forthcoming), I started unpacking boxes of books. And that’s basically what I did all day.

Phil had the glamorous jobs: he went to Whole Foods and bought gluten-free pancake mix, so we can have something other than oatmeal and eggs for breakfast. (Jadon was pleased with the premade spelt bread, which he ate as PB&J for lunch and dinner.) Then he designed bunk beds for boys, and drove to Scottsville to get materials. He also found free pallets, and purchased some straw bales so we will have a compost pile, and can finally dump the humanure buckets we’ve been accumulating. That’s probably more than you wanted to know. Suffice to say, he had a successful run of errands.

Then he started to build the bunk beds, and almost finished, when both the batteries on his saw/drill/power tool set went out. So we went to the Bessettes. We almost made it two days without entering their sanctuary, but, well, oh well. I was so SO thankful to have a warm shower. I had been more dirty and stinky than I ever remember being in my life.

But what a great day! Our trailer went from feeling like a teeny tiny, just barely survivable dump, to a miniature home, almost a picturesque cabin. Both Phil and I feel like it is survivable, even almost fun!

In closing, a few words of warning
A warning from Abraham: “We should watch out for dangerous things—like matches.”

A warning from Dennis Bessette: “If you don’t drink enough water, you’ll get Alzheimers. I mean, your skin turns to leather if you don’t drink enough—you think your brain is exempt?”

Another warning from Dennis Bessette: “Hey, skinny family: eat more! If you don’t eat enough in the country, you get sick and die.”

Just a friendly reminder from your Central Virginia correspondent: watch out for matches, dehydration, and starvation.

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