What a pleasant week of visiting we've had. New friends and old have made the trek down, including a special visit from a long-time Boulder friend. There aren't many people who saw our home and life in Boulder, the land before we moved to it, and the farm today, but Stan is one. What a joy to hike around with him and show the changes the last three years have wrought.
Apple trees in bloom.
The neighbor's land growing a beautiful stand of clover, with grasses coming up, too.
A good number of the 1000 chestnuts poking out buds and leaves.
And I couldn't imagine a better week to receive visitors. With the warm weather, spring has been condensed into a week of fairy land. What normally is meted out over a generous month, has been compressed into a glorious week. As I've gone visiting this week, just driving up my road is enough to make me catch my breath.
The land is a profusion of color: yellow forsythia, lavender redbuds, light green leaves, white cherry, pink peach, and now, the white dogwoods just breaking out....
Add a red cardinal, and the world is aglow.
Someday, perhaps, we'll have a cherry tree like this magnificent tree we passed.
For now, our little transplanted cherries have just a blossom or two.
And after days of jubilant gasps over the colors and the sunny warmth, Friday night we welcomed a gentle rain. And then more rain Saturday night, which our ground has mostly absorbed. Unlike the pounding rain that sheets down the driveway, this has been exactly what we'd wish for: gentle, continuous soaking.
We were especially pleased with the rain, since the day before, Phil and I had spread a couple of hay bales over the freshly tilled and cover-crop sown fields. It felt like exactly the right timing: soil covered, ready to receive the rain.
I had hoped for this year to be a blooming year for our farm. It's been a blooming year thus far, for sure!
Have you considered a zazzle shop or etsy with your photographs? They are beautiful and would make lovely cards and photos for walls!