The swarm, with the Celestial queen, is producing an incredible amount of wax. I don't know how they're doing it: they've eaten little of the syrup, and, with overcast and cooler weather today, they weren't flying. From the outside, the swarm looked abandoned, but they were fine. Just internally focused.
The other hive, which I've named Damaris, is producing almost no wax. But it's been four days since the swarm, and I wondered if I would hear the queen piping. When queens emerge, they pipe a few notes to introduce themselves to their hive.
And I heard her! Isn't that amazing? A tiny little piping sound, repeated. So cool.
At this point, we're thinking we're keeping both the biggest female ("Mom," according to the boys) and Socks, with the white paws and chest. Phil said we needed to rename "Mom," since it was getting confusing between me and the puppy.
Phil suggested "Shadow." That seems vaguely menacing, but Phil said it was more like a puppy that sticks close, like a shadow. That's cute! And shadow is probably good for a black dog.
In the greenhouse, my poor, scabby lemon tree has some new sprouts shooting up.
And I have good jujube sprouts coming up. It's so fulfilling to see tree sprouts springing up.

But something is beheading my jujube sprouts! Maybe the lizard I saw in the greenhouse? It's a mystery.
It's not a mystery what's getting my peas. The chickens are doing that.
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