Midday, Phil and the boys took the puppies down to the creek. I shortly followed, only to find them down the driveway, calling to me: "The bees are swarming!"
The queen I heard piping yesterday apparently decided her home was too crowded, and so she took a massive number of bees and headed to the same plum tree that the earlier swarm liked.
As Phil said: "You could have split the hive, right?"
Apparently so.
Although I didn't see the bees actually streaming out of the hive, the air was full of flying and buzzing, and the entrance of the hive was covered with bees.
Happily, I have swarm experience now, so I got out a sheet, which one resource recommended. That way, if the queen didn't fall into my box, I wouldn't have to try to dig up the hive, but simply tip the sheet into the box.
Next time, I need to remember to give the swarm a few sharp smacks consecutively. I think that would be less stressful, perhaps, to just get the bees off altogether. But the sound of so many bees taking to the air is still a bit disconcerting.
Unlike last time, the bees did not begin an immediate migration to the box. They sat, paralyzed, for a few minutes. Perhaps the baby queen's pheromones aren't as strong; perhaps I knocked her close to the box and she needed to crawl in first, before the rest joined her.
But in the end, I had the clump in the box. And rather than sitting on every surface, they formed a beautiful ball in the corner.
I put a few sticks in with them, in hopes they will be more comfortable, and then taped the box all around the lid. I don't think scouts will escape from their enclosure this time.
Next I had to call around to find a hive: I had two, and they are now both in use. I hope to pick it up tomorrow.
Right across from the beehives: our asparagus patch, doing well.
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