Sunday, July 31, 2011

Two Years and a Few Days

This last Tuesday was our two year anniversary on the land. This last year has had a lot of death, a lot of disappointments, and not a whole lot of completion. Part of a greenhouse, part of the base of a metal building, part of the fencing up. A market garden that got halfway to harvest, the idea of a dwelling that isn't even halfway realized on paper. A struggling orchard, a weedy patch for future production, milk cows that aren't producing much milk (and one that died), sheep with a second year of 50% losses, chickens now finishing their second month of molting.

But beneath that rather depressing list of halfway accomplishments, the reality is
  • we have another year of experience

  • we have the layout of a garden, beautifully in line with the contours of the earth

  • we are halfway DONE with several projects that will be a boon once completed, maybe by the end of 2011

  • most lambs didn't die at birth, but in odd accidents later; our birth rates were much better

  • Phil has learned much about rotational grazing, and practiced it

  • we've had four calves born this year, and our herd has grown from five to twelve in the last year

  • the bees did not leave in the first three days

  • we know that market gardening is really not the best enterprise for our family

  • we have at least the start of an idea for a dwelling, which is more than we had a year ago

  • we have all grown spiritually.

With such a list of progress, it has clearly been a profitable year, in every way except financially. And though I might wish to have a profitable enterprise right now, the Lord provides. We get to enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! And, as Jordan Rubin says, You are accumulating more of what God calls wealth: land, flocks, herds.
    Your family has accomplished more than I would've believed humanly possible these last two years, and truly the tuition you've paid is bound to be beneficial.

    And, as Tim and Becky Lewis say, A lot of what we learn and model is not for ourselves, or our children, but for our children's children :)

    Laurie Ann
