Friday, June 22, 2012

Making the Most of Summer Vacation

We were grateful when a thunderstorm rolled in this afternoon. With the heat index hovering around 110, we haven't been getting much done outside during the day.

The boys and I have been having a fun time indoors. It's so hot that we aren't leaving the trailer even to eat: I drip my way through meal preparation and bring the end result into the air conditioning.

The little boys have made extremely intricate scenarios with Cars-the-Movie Duplos and Playmobils. The older boys read and make forts. I have a few school-like books to read, and we're just reading for fun.

We had been working our way through the first of the Winston Breen books. I don't like it quite as much as my all-time favorite, The Westing Game, but it's a diverting story, likened to Encyclopedia Brown.

I started reading a bit before 10pm, early for us lately (with the late setting sun, we've been eating dinner around 9pm). I had expected to read a bit and send the children to bed, but we hit the final 60 pages or so and it just got more and more exciting. My heart was pounding, the boys were jumping around the room in excitement: it was impossible to stop.

But, you know, it's a Friday night in the summer. I figured, if they stay up until midnight, what's the problem, really?

And so we read on. Phil came in to head to bed and was surprised when Abraham jumped up to him, waving his arms, saying something about a ring.

At 12:09 we ended the book. The boys were ready to start the next one.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy . . . Several things . . .
    1. I started reading your blog about a year ago when we were about to embark on a difficult journey - we have 4 kids and moved from CO to the Czech Republic. We took a missionary position with an organization over here passionate about youth in Eastern Europe. I think your blog was comforting because I found another family, with 4 kids, choosing a different and more difficult life than the suburbs of CO had to offer.
    2. Thank you for your book recommendations! We are now reading Winston Breen and loving it! My kids are hooked and we read outloud all the time (thanks to our Sonlight background). Looking forward to the Westing Game and curious why you liked it better.
    3. I also have a blog, but often find myself wanting to be more transparent - like you are. But, the problem with that, is that I work with people and not plants. I have to be very cautious as to what I write because the Czech's read my blog! Hilarious - sometimes I wish I was literally pulling green weeds out of dirt rather than spiritual weeds out of my OWN heart.
    Blessings on your farm work! Thanks for sharing all that you do.
    Amy :)
    p.s. please don't feel the need to publish this!
