Monday, November 26, 2012


While we were grocery shopping yesterday, Phil accidentally jammed his fingers into Isaiah, including his taped finger. "I almost passed out from the pain," he said.

I suspected then that we wouldn't do much on the building today.

And we didn't.

Every time Phil takes homeopathic Arnica and Hypericum perforatum (also known as St. John's Wort), he feels incredibly sleepy afterwards. His body just needs a bit more time to heal. He had less throbbing today; tomorrow we hope for the forecasted rain. Maybe on Wednesday, he'll be ready to work outside again.

I attempted to make some more raised beds for garlic, but when I looked at the tens of thousands of hay seeds, I grew so discouraged. Maybe we need to just grow a cover crop to suppress weeds.

I've been experimenting with garlic powder. I first tried dehydrating full cloves, but that was ineffective: no visible change after 24 hours. So I have been peeling cloves while reading to the boys for the last month, and yesterday I cut up slices of garlic. It took forever. I finally broke down and bought a food processor. Even if I only use it for slicing garlic, I think it will be worth it. And maybe I can use it for sauerkraut, too, someday.


  1. You didn't have a food processor??? You will find millions of uses, pesto takes no time etc etc.
    You may want to splint that finger of Phil's...sounds like a crack...tape it to the adjacent one with something rigid between. That's all the hospital would do and it will heal more quickly that way.

  2. We have had an awesome blender for the last eight years or so. And for some time I could use the KitchenAid attachment for shredding (though I think the attachment stripped after some years: it hasn't worked well for me). I've had a complex about "difficult to clean," and we didn't have one growing up. I have no vision for how I might use one. But I will feel pleased that I will have another helper in the kitchen. Visions of pie crust dance in my head....

    I will mention the splint to Phil. He's kept it taped to the finger next to it, but maybe a rigid popsicle stick would help. Good thinking.
