Wednesday, July 21, 2010

DMV Rules: Virginia Is NOT for Lykoshes

Butch came by yesterday morning and helped Phil lift the 800+ pound engine part of the sawmill off the track part, since it was shipped at a 90 degree angle from how it should end up. (The photo shows the right way.)

Phil has spent some time, off and on, assembling it further, and it's coming along, as you can see.

He took a break and went to the lower pasture to put up more fence. Abraham soon followed—ever eager for a chance to use the machete. While there, the sky opened and a deluge struck. Poor guys. They were soaked by the time they made it up the hill: just in time to see the sun come out with the rainbow.

Phil went to the DMV twice today. First time, they needed proof of social security (yet another piece of paper they hadn't mentioned the first three times). When he finally arrived the FIFTH time with all the paperwork he can supply, the "gatekeeper" wouldn't even grant him a number, since he couldn't furnish any of their proofs of residency. She wouldn't allow him to talk to a supervisor even: just a flat refusal. She didn't care about the contradiction in the law v. the code. No. No. No.

Can't do anything about that. When he goes to court next month, I suppose it will be incumbent upon the prosecutor to prove residency, and Phil thinks that will be an easy decision in our favor.

Yet another day wasted to impossible paperwork. We're looking into other options, since this has fairly large repercussions. After all, it's hard to file taxes in a state when you're not a resident.

I moved both broody hens into their new cattle trailer pen. They have seven living chicks each. Of the three unhatched eggs, when I gently shook two of them, they sloshed around, so I'm assuming they are rotten. The third, though, didn't slosh at all. I'm guessing that one was a chick that just wasn't quite ready: maybe it got pushed a bit too far from the warmth of the mother's breast.


  1. Silly question, why don't you put up a mail box and have your bills posted to you there?? Or join the local library. There has to be a way, short of a court visit.

  2. We could put up a mail box, but it won't have a government address. Without a permanent structure, we can't get an address. Without an address, we aren't residents.

    The bank takes a PO Box; perhaps the library would, too. I can ship packages to our made-up address through UPS and FedEx, because those are private carriers. But all USPS packages have to go to the PO Box, or they don't get delivered.

    It's a very strange system.

  3. My thought is, you pay an electric bill and water bill, isn't that good for residency? Around here, any utility bill Then use the bill to get a library card, etc. However, you cannot "squat" on your own land here either. You have to have a permanent, inspected building to live in. And, unless it has a septic, it won't pass. I think this is just the nature of world we live in. I am sorry you are having such problems.

  4. Aww...Virginia definately IS for Lykoshes - I am just certain of it. Just take the judge a dozen eggs and then he'll be sure of it too!

  5. I have a couple ideas. Do with them what you will. 1) Try a different office of the DMV. You have clearly become a 'marked man' at the branch you have been visiting. 2) At the new DMV show that you "reside" at a real address in Virginia. (I know of one if you are so inclined). This will get you into the system which seems to be the big challenge. 3) After a few months, "move" to your farm. A change of address would be required and that is a simple step which can even be done online (I think). Hope this is somehow helpful.
