Monday, August 30, 2010

A Few Fun Photos

On downloading photos today, I realized it has been a while since I posted any. Here is one from about ten days ago, soon after we combined all animals. If you look closely, you can see cows, sheep, and goats.

And a fun picture of Cheri, Phil's mom, who jumps in to help. Here, she is mowing over some trampled hay. We hope that will break it down more quickly, so it adds organic matter to the soil. In this first year, we have hay stay on the surface of the soil for months. We need to get the microorganisms breaking it down much, much faster.

While I spent a frantic hour or so watching Bianca yesterday, doing, apparently, nothing out of the ordinary, Isaiah spent an idyllic hour with the sheep. He just sat in the shade of the riding mower, and skittish Bethlehem, our first lamb survivor (born right around Christmas, in the blizzard). When I expressed surprise that Bethlehem didn't run away, he said, "I helped untangle her from the netting a few times, and now we're friends."

Isaiah is not known for his patient silence, so his hour of quiet peace was beautiful to witness.

One day last week, I had been in the office trailer, talking to Phil. When I came back, I found this.

Joe had fallen asleep standing up! I loved this little view of his belly. His potty training gets better every day, though I'm still not confident of his anticipation or communication to allow him sans diaper in public.

Quick comment: the Causticum homeopathic remedy was VERY effective. After several days of bed-wetting, I gave him two little pellets (full dose is five). No bed-wetting. The following night I bumped the dose down to one pellet, and he did wet that night. Five more nights of two pellets was 100% effective, and after those five nights, I stopped giving him anything, and he hasn't wet since. Excellent.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I am a SL mom who learned of your blog from your dad and I have been following your adventures for a lot of months. I have a question about a recent post. You mentioned giving Causticum pellets for your son's bed-wetting. Our 11 year old still soaks a pull-up every night (sigh), and your comment made me look up Causticum pellets. I found this site but despite a careful reading and re-reading, I can't figure out which potency is the most potent. Could you advise me on what I should order? Thanks so much. Patty Roberts
