Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy 08/09/10!

I spent a very little more time in the garden. Isaiah helped me pick three small ears of corn. They were fairly tasty. I found yet another enormous tomato hornworm, and tried to pry it loose from the plant with one hand. I literally could not do it, but needed both hands. That one I was so disgusted with, I crushed.

I also found an empty snake skin on the side of my newly planted fall bed. It didn't make me enthusiastic to dig and turn over the soil, knowing "the personification of Satan" (as my friend Jill would say) inhabits my garden, lurking, somewhere.

Phil spent some time this morning sharpening his chainsaw blade, and then re-cut the little saplings that have resprouted in the stone fruit orchard. He decided he should probably take the chainsaw in to have it sharpened professionally, as his efforts didn't make much difference.

He also started clearing the next section of lower pasture, but felt perplexed at how to go about it most effectively. With the fencin we have, and with the unknown dimensions—how to enclose the space with too many unknowns?

He decided that next time, he'll fence along the creek first, and work from there.

This evening, he took our laundry to the laundrymat. Four weeks' worth of laundry in one evening. What a guy. I am looking forward to having more clean clothes, and freshly washed kitchen towels. (And, less you imagine we have dressers overflowing with clothes, to allow us four weeks between washes, let me assure you that such is not the case: we just practice questionable personal hygiene and re-wear clothes multiple days in a row.)

He even folded most of it, until the place closed at 11pm! What a guy!


  1. Ahh, yes the personification of Satan! I REALLY hate snakes--a LOT! I am pretty tough and love the outdoors, but snakes get my adrenaline going every time. I usually fight--but sometimes I take to flight. My fighting is more like scaring away--squirting with a hose or hurrying along with a rake.

  2. You say happy August 9th 2010 - is there a reason? I am happy that the mornings are getting a little hint of cool. I guess fresh folded laundry is probably a cause to celebrate though - cheers to it! (And Phil!)

  3. It was the 8, 9, 10 of the date that made me smile. For whatever reason, I have an inordinate affection for such dates. Which is why Joe's birthday on 08/08/08 was so exciting for me.

  4. I have some laundry here if Phil is in the area.....
    There is a bacterial treatment that explodes the horn worms, it's organic and worked for us.
    We also pay our boys 5c per worm, that works too!
    They seem to intimidate my chickens though.
