Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog Story Now in Print!

We wait for Bethany the cow's baby. Full moon is at 5am on Thursday morning, if Bethany makes it that long. Both Phil and I wondered if she was in labor this afternoon, since her backside seemed to contract, but she continues to ruminate as if nothing is happening. If nothing else, I'm learning patience.

When Phil picked up the mail yesterday, he was tickled to see the current issue of sheep! magazine, with an article by me! You can read Shearing "By the Book" online now (though if you've read this blog for some time, you first read this story right here).


  1. SO great to read all the posts and catch up on the happenings. Fun to see your story in print too. :) Hope you are all well and enjoyed your time away.

  2. Congratulations on the article, Amy! And Beatrice--she's beautiful!
