Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Freezer and No Sprayer

We did a surprisingly quick batch of errands today. When we loaded chickens in our cooler on Sunday, we were surprised to find that it only fit 11 birds. So we bought a second, larger cooler, so we have the opportunity to unload more, should the need arise (and I hope it does!).

And we bought a freezer, so we can process the largest broilers, now a week shy of four months old. Since most industrial chickens are processed at eight weeks, these birds are now ridiculously large and, I'm sure, ridiculously expensive.

I've been ridding my freezer of everything I can. I thawed the buck goat meat, thinking I might turn it to sausage. But it smelled just as bad after being frozen as it did at processing, so I "donated" it to Bitsy. She was happy.

After errands, Phil went to spray the orchard. We have a spray that is meant to grow rootlets of plants, which helps build soil humus. Towards the end of spraying the orchard, Phil looked back to find one of the boom arms on our sprayer completely torn off. It was the second use of that sprayer (which had also broken during assembly, so we've now had two breakages in two uses).

And as a funny close: I am glad to be growing our own food. For lunch today, I cooked up a pound and a half of meat, four cups of beans, four cups of rice, and shredded some cheese. The meat was gone, and maybe two cups total of beans and rice were left. Four hours later, the hungry boys came back, ready to eat again.

And they are only 3, 5, 7, and 9!

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