Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Overrun with Vermin

There have been a few unpleasant moments since moving here. I found a drowned mouse in the sink one day a year ago or more. I had seen no signs of droppings, so it was a random ick. We have fly strips in both RV and trailer when the weather isn't freezing.

But lately the ick factor is out of control. Before Phil joined us on vacation, he realized that there were mice in the trailer. Since returning home, I fall asleep to the little click of toenails in the walls, so near, so nasty.

I found rodent teeth marks in the coconut oil in my skillet in the kitchen drawer, rodent droppings camouflaged against the black cast iron. After killing multiple mice in the pot holder drawer, the remaining ones have caught on: now they leave just droppings, not carcasses.

Living so far from town, and trying to eat whole foods, I tend to buy grains in bulk. My oats are overrun with weevils. Come to think of it, so is the barley.

I had ground rye flour for sourdough starter; I returned home to find webbing in the bag.

The 40 pounds of raw almonds I bought last fall are now crawling with moths and larvae. I'll soak them and hope that kills them (it's good to soak almonds before eating anyway, then either dry or freeze until using); but, seriously? Almonds?

Jadon opened an overhead cupboard in the RV to find a CD he wanted to listen to, and a mouse or two dropped out.

And then there's the ants. Ants in the bedroom, the living room, the kitchen. Ants don't taste good: too much formic acid.

I try to blow off these little nasty findings, but I think I'm getting grossed out. I have a strong stomach, but the emotional toll is worse. Who wants to enter the kitchen in such disgusting conditions?

If you come to visit: you've been warned.


  1. Eww! Wish I could claim that my "farm" living here was free of all the above vermin....maybe a few less mice, but we trap vigorously as well as having 4 cats...but otherwise, welcome to my life. In Proverbs there is a verse that says, paraphrased, when the oxen are gone, the barn is clean....I apply that liberally to my life. The ick factor remains though....

  2. I would welcome the two cats inside more if they didn't either vomit or diarrhea every time they're trapped inside.

    Nice to know I'm not the only one, though I should probably figure out how to trap vigorously. I think we are too mellow.

  3. No farm life for us, but country (cabin) living for sure! I currently have 10 traps baited and ready, not to mention lots of "decon". Ick factor... the mice are in our walls. Raccoons haven't be an issue yet...but squirrels and chipmunks are not as cute when they are trying to chew their way in. It probably doesn't help- but you not alone in this!
    (no pun intended..but I leave it :)
