Thursday, December 6, 2012

More Planting

After Phil worked on a little project outdoors in the morning, we were both dragging. I hadn't done much but sit in the heated indoors, and I would have been content to go on sitting the rest of the day. But Phil suggested we plant trees: maybe not the whole other row, but just some of them, and we could quit if we got too tired.

And it would only take 10 more to finish the slope.

We finished those ten. Phil's finger continues to throb, so Joe would put down the outriggers on the backhoe, Phil would dig, then hold the tree. I would shovel compost, sprinkle kelp, place daffodil bulbs and comfrey cuttings (till we ran out). Then Phil would use the backhoe to push the soil back in. That required only a bit of shoveling at the end. Which was good, because I am sore!

But that was a good day. These robust holes please Phil. Hopefully they will please the trees, too.

Finally, in a completely unrelated comment: I didn't wake up today feeling so tired I just wanted to go back to bed. I had skipped taking cod liver oil two nights ago, and it shocks me what a difference that makes. Besides my grumpy attitude yesterday, I felt bone weary.

Last night I took a double dose (a teaspoon) of fermented cod liver oil, and I woke up feeling alive, rather than like death warmed over.

My mom takes it, too, and she said that if she skips a day, she can feel it within hours: her joints ache, and then she remembers to take it.

We prefer this to some synthetic vitamin D produced in a lab. Not only is it natural, it's combined perfectly with vitamin A, which helps the body absorb both properly.

I'm cheap, and I order the liquid and line the boys up and give them a dose, too. We like the orange flavor the best, though cinnamon isn't bad (it is strong). Also available in capsules, though those, understandably, cost a bit more per dose.

It is winter, and as I understand it, the sun at its zenith is not high enough in most of the United States to produce vitamin D. If you're feeling extra tired, or a bit run down, you might try cod liver oil.

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