Phil dealt with tire fixing and paperwork much of Friday. Despite an unconventional life, we still deal with balancing checkbooks and laundry. Happily, Phil thought to keep the busted truck tire; he’s promised to make the children a tire swing once the weather improves.
He faithfully left home before 7am this morning, off to catch a flight. Snow dusted the ground, and he made it safely to the airport. Sadly, Charlottesville Airport is not DIA, and apparently own no de-icing equipment or plows; the airline cancelled his flight last night, long before the snow started to fall. All three departing flights today were cancelled by 10am, so he began the time-consuming drive home. By the time he hit our road, the front of the Corolla was plowing the snow up over the windshield.
I went out to do the chores and found snow-encrusted sheep munching hay. Good advertisement for the warmth of wool!
I was heating some dinner tonight and experienced the underside of an avalanche. I think the rising heat from the propane stove warmed the roof of the barn, so that large sections of 9-inch snow slid off the roof onto the ground, with a louder crash than I would have expected. I’m thankful that I didn’t experience the mini-avalanche directly.
And as I returned to the trailer, I noticed that Phil has fenced along the border far enough that I can see our boundary fence opposite our door. In the dead center of this photo, were it blown up to full-screen size, you could see it, too.
It is cold, but "The woods are lovely, dark and deep," and I know that spring will come soon.
Wow. Gorgeous pics!