Saturday, December 18, 2010

Picked Up Pigs

Phil was out of town from Wednesday to Friday, so I wasn't too surprised when it started to snow on Thursday. Of course! Inclement weather while the man is out of town.

Thankfully, I knew in advance, so I parked the van at the top of the driveway, and had no trouble getting out to get Phil on Friday.

On the way, we drove up to get our processed pigs. We were pleased to find that our two pigs, after their heads were removed and their innards taken out, weighed 168 pounds and 138 pounds (the purebred Berkshire as the heavier of the two). We had a few disappointments with the processing this time, compared with when Phil and Ara butchered earlier this year (no feet, hocks, or heads, and no internal organs), but we are pleased to have meat that we could potentially sell.

Despite continued cold weather, Phil was able to thaw the lines in the motor home, so I was able to do dishes today for the first time all week. What a relief!

And a few photos: Isaiah has built several impressive Cuisenaire rod structures.

Joe, up late one night after a late nap, found some goggles and put them on.

And we are in Christmas cheer now, with the recently uncovered stockings hanging, brightening our room.

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