Monday, August 19, 2013

August 18: Mouse Killer!

Phil found Belle in a steady rain this morning. I think the calves found her udder for the first time, as she was milked dry. The calves have been able to sneak under her electric wire and join her in her pen, but she's not been dry before. Phil got a working charger for the electrical line (we ended up being out of the right sized batteries), and so we have hope that tomorrow morning Belle will have milk again for our boys.

We were headed to church this morning and got stuck behind some slow moving vehicles. It was raining yet, but the pace was ridiculous even with wet conditions, so Phil turned off the main road to take an alternate. I would have done the same thing.

We were zipping along happily and suddenly came to an unexpected stop: a large tree had fallen across the road. Since we didn’t have our chainsaw with us, and because we were only a few minutes off the main road, we turned around and went back the way we came. (The original slow moving vehicles were gone, but we got stuck behind an RV a little later. At least we made it in the end.)

The other happy thing was that I commented yesterday morning that I was so sick of mouse droppings in the kitchen drawers. Phil heard me, and set a trap. This morning, he showed me how to set it (I knew, vaguely, but hadn’t been able to actually set one for months).

We leave the motor home for many hours each day, but for the last 36 hours, every time we’ve gone in after some hours away, we’ve had a mouse. Five and counting.

How gratifying to have figured out a spot where they actually come regularly!

I just try not to think that they have all been going in to my potholder drawer. Ewww!

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