Friday, April 9, 2010

Apple Orchard: Complete!

We finished the apple orchard! In the ground are 288 fledgling trees. We have done our part (at least initially). But, as we have already seen, we can do what we can, but "unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it." The trees grow, but we don't know how. We order irrigation and it's not right on arrival, so God sends the rain. (Isaiah and Jadon sure appreciated yesterday's rain—otherwise, they'd have been out there today, too!)

I found it fun that we have biblical numbers throughout our orchard (and not through my planning!): 12 rows of apples; the top row with 40 trees, the bottom with seven (and varying amounts in between).

Because I prefer not to dwell in uncertainty, I counted total trees in the ground: 304. And 98 to go. We are 76% done.

In other news (perhaps gruesome or graphic): Phil opened the compost pile to add to it today, and found only a few pieces of one of the lambs. Apparently, that pile is hot!

I noticed bloody cow stool this morning. Honestly, if it's not one thing, it's another. I was about to check what dread disease might cause bloody stool when Phil wondered if it might be that Fern is menstruating. Good point! Although determining the timing for Artificial Insemination might be difficult for Milking Devons, if we could figure it out for Fern this year, we could avoid buying a bull. That would sure be helpful.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your life is certainly never dull! Good job getting all of the apple trees in, that was huge. On a side note, D, N and I went to the LHM today and saw a 3 day old lamb. They said they thought it might have been was tiny! I would say as long as a cat but so skinny. It was the mother's first and was having a tough time nursing so they had a box like thing to trap the mother while the lamb nursed...I'm pretty sure D got photos and will pass them along.

    N and I got to pet the baby, so nubby and sweet. It was fun.
