Thursday, April 15, 2010

Beehive Building and Irritating Irrigation

Next week our bees ship to us. They need a home. So Phil spent the day building a beehive. He'll probably finish tomorrow.

It took longer than expected because of the inevitable trip to the hardware store. Then, while running the table saw and the toaster oven at the same time, we popped a breaker which required some rewiring and checking. ("Nothing is ever easy," as my Mom would say.)

It frosted last night. Unbelievable. Then hit in the mid-80s. Good thing I had no tomatoes out (I have no tomatoes growing at all.)

We milked Bianca today. She gave less than three cups of milk. Is she drying up? How frustrating to have five large animals, all milk-producers, and to get less from them than a mediocre goat.

The UPS man also finally brought the remaining pieces of irrigation line. Sadly, it didn't work on the apple orchard. Oh, the grief! My poor, thirsty trees! Phil, though, having dealt with crazy-high pressure on the sprinkler line in Boulder (for those in the know: 140psi, instead of 40psi, which is more normal). So he figured that the issue was that 288 emitters on one line was too much. He broke the line into zones, and that seemed to work better. It got dark, though, before we figured it all out.

Tomorrow is another day. May the Lord sustain the trees!

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