Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Phil's Unfortunate Morning

Progress continues at a dizzying pace, despite poor Phil's incredibly distressing morning.

First, a client asked for a drawing. If he had all his resources unpacked, he could have found the reference note he needed in a few seconds, then done the small drawing in a few minutes. As it was, he had to first shift multiple boxes around in order to access his filing cabinet, only to find that he didn't have the needed file. Then he opened five banker boxes in search of the one binder he needed. Finally, he found it.

Then the scanner wouldn't work. At 2am, after hours of irritating labor, he crawled into bed.

First thing after he got up, he went to back the motor home into its spot. I was thrilled to again have a level surface. Except, he overshot the backing up, and, for some reason, the motor home refused to go forward. Could it be the transmission?! Maybe!

We tried to pull the motor home forward with the tractor, which did absolutely nothing. After recharging the truck battery, the truck was able to pull the motor home forward, but by then, the ground had thawed too much. Maybe tomorrow we'll get the motor home in place.

Until then, I try not to open the fridge. Each time, I have a heart-stopping instant where I wait for eight half-gallons of milk to fall off the shelves. (It's only happened once: the other times I've caught them.) Living not on the level is a challenge!

Thankfully, we had some good things happen today, too. Phil ordered the greenhouse. When I learned that the bees I ordered yesterday would need to be picked up in New York, I found other bees that will ship to my home (phew!). I am still looking for potting soil, and calculated I'll need around 50 cubic feet. (I have no idea how accurate that will be, but that's the rough calculation.)

Next year, I plan to be proactive and get potting soil ready for spring in the fall. As it is, our compost has frozen solid and won't be useful for potting soil. Last fall, though, this wasn't on my radar at all.

This afternoon, we had a mobile truck repair man come. He found the reason for the truck's hopping in less than ten minutes. Phil came in thrilled with this man's work. (We'd taken the truck to a certified dealer, and they had missed the very obvious ding that was effectively making our engine not a V8 but a V4.)

So the end of today was better than the start. (Good thing.)

P.S. Do peek down a few entries and see the photos of the Old Spot piglets I just added.

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