Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Start of the Fence

The RV is back in place! I can again do dishes and open the refrigerator without a coronary. Wonderful!

I wondered if Bianca was in heat: she was bellowing more than usual, and the other cows sniffed around. I combined all the animals, in hopes that Bethany would offer proof (mounting), but despite watching on and off all day, there was no evidence of heat, so our cows remain unbred, and a major prayer request for me.

Phil got started on the neighbor's fencing. He is using an auger to dig out the holes, and he came back after the first hole, jubilant: it took only about a minute to dig that hole!

The second hole, though, sucked in the auger and buried it. So Phil unhooked the auger, drove the tractor back to get the backhoe, and dug out the auger. That took hours, and at 3:30pm, he had finished two posts (as you can see, foreground and background, below).

I worked on the third hole with him, to get the two posts on the sides of the future gate properly spaced. He augered, and the auger kept falling off the tractor. After putting it back about six times, he finally sprayed it with WD-40 and the catch mechanism began to work again.

It was 4:30, and we figured he could get the fourth hole done before nightfall. Except that the auger got stuck in the hole again. He'll wait to dig it out until tomorrow.

After a full day of effort for three posts, he said, "I'm sure glad I don't have many of these to do!"

Only 52.

The rye and clover is coming up a bit on the neighbor's land. Hopefully the fence will be ready to contain our animals for grazing this spring.

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