Sunday, January 16, 2011

Reading for Fun!

Friday morning, we drove the truck to the repair shop (the traveling truck repair guy recommended it). Phil worked on fencing most of the rest of the day (more productively—thankfully!), and I realized that I can do more than read to the boys for school work. We started to read for fun, from the Squire's Tales series, which I recently uncovered in my stored boxes of books. All the boys beg to continue, and I usually do. I'm as eager for a romp through Arthurian England as they.

(As an additional plug for these books, Arthurian legends have some pretty salacious stuff. Author Morris is a pastor and theology teacher, and I appreciate that he doesn't ignore the infidelity, but doesn't make it romantic or exciting, rather foolish and grievous. True wisdom is from right action and right thought, and he throws in enough pithy sayings to discuss that I feel like I'm being both fed and entertained.)

Saturday saw more fencing, and then Phil headed to the laundromat. Incredibly, Phil has done laundry only once since the first week of October, perhaps in early November. We skipped December entirely, so he used 11 machines (one a quadruple loader!) and over $40 in quarters to get the laundry done. He said that he was still loading dirty clothes when the first machine finished.

He had brought books to read, but had no time, between juggling two months of dirty laundry for persons and farm. But he brought it home, mostly folded, for me to push into nooks and crannies of dressers. What a great guy!

I finished my work-for-pay for the week and resumed garden layout planning, which has taken a back seat to other needs. I feel like I'm closing in on where crops need to go, and what cover crops need to be sown when. Thankfully, I have a lot of resources, and I appreciate that.

Jadon remains listless, and Joe, too, has fallen ill, though he is more energetic in his sickness. In fact, at midnight, when I went to bed, Joe sat up and asked for water about every three minutes. I was, happily, not tired, and sat up until 2:15 reading my favorite parts in another favorite book, The Blue Sword.

I fell asleep happy, and Phil headed off to church today alone for the second week in a row. The boys and I started the second book in the series mentioned above, and life at the farm continues on.

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