Wednesday, January 8, 2014

December 15: Cleaning the Entry

Because we were all up late last night partying, the boys were still sleeping when we would have had to leave for church. I had contemplated going on my own, but we returned the borrowed Suburban to our friends yesterday and got a rental van. Unfortunately, Charlottesville was out of minivans, and all that they had that would fit our family was a 12-passenger van. To me, it looks like the size of a tank. I have determined not to drive the 12 passenger van at all. Thus, I have no way to get to church with just Caleb. That's okay. An extra day to get my life in order is always welcome.

This would have been a good day for before and after photos. The main thing I wanted to deal with is around the door. There have been boxes there, waiting either to be unpacked or to be removed and put back in deep storage, every day for the last month. Add to that shoes that are coated with mud, and construction material, and clods of mud that periodically fall off of shoes. There were mud spots on the wall up to eye level. I tossed handfulls of mud out the door. Phil had picked up several more entry rugs, which was helpful: the one we had quickly caked over entirely.

Cleaning that entryway was a labor, perhaps not of love, but of necessity. It felt good to be done with it.

I also cleared my stuff off the worktop. Phil still has tools, so it isn't really "clean," and I'm sure I will soon find plenty to cover the worktop again, but for this brief moment, I can enjoy the spaciousness.

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