Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The New Year: Hopefully Not a Portent of the Year to Come

It would be an understatement to say that the year did not start well. After illness December 30 and 31, Phil was ill January 1. January 2. January 3.

By January 4 he was vertical. He went up to move hay to the cows and the hydraulics on the tractor failed. Without hydraulics, the tractor doesn't work.


As for me, I tried to stay emotionally sane. I homeschooled. I worked. On Saturday, Caleb and I attended my first wedding in five years. Earlier in the week I realized that, since I hadn't worn a dress or skirt probably since I moved here, my dressy shoes were chewed by mice and tossed some years back, and I hadn't missed them. Except none of my shoes were appropriate for a fancy winter wedding, or really a wedding of any degree of classiness in any season. And I had somehow lost my razor in moving toiletries and such some months ago.

Then Amazon let me down. The razor I ordered as a replacement didn't arrive. The stockings I ordered didn't arrive. The wedding gift didn't arrive! Ack!

Bless my friend who lent me shoes and who "happened" to go to a store that sells stockings. And as for wedding gifts, I think Miss Manners says that guests have a year to give gifts, so I'm not overly concerned about that.

Caleb hung in there all night until we shut the place down at 11:20pm. He was on the dance floor with me, and I had a great time. He finally fell asleep, no matter the loud music.

I think he was a little traumatized, though, in a baby sort of way. He woke up from a sound sleep three times that night, screaming. He fell back to sleep as soon as I fed him, but he's not done that before or since.

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