Monday, October 14, 2013


I was so excited to head to church. At five days post-partum, I feel great and ready to see people again. Caleb slept five hours straight on Saturday night. After a week of snatching an hour or two here and there, five hours in a row is unbelievably restful.

I had sent a birth announcement out to everyone I could think of, so when we got to church it felt a bit like being a celebrity. Or, as multiple people commented, "You're a rock star," though I think that was more about my being up and around, rather than the level of adulation directed my way.

So many hugs, so many smiles, so much joy, so much love.

Ever since we realized how quickly Jadon grew up, and how short are the months in life that we can hold a child as much as we want, our policy has been to keep babies in car seats as little as possible. And since it is easier to hand off a baby that's being held than a baby in a large, clunky car seat, Cheri commented, "Every time I saw Caleb, someone new was holding him." I love that.

And the last song of the morning was "Because He Lives." It's an oldie, and I know it, but not well, so I was taken aback—but thrilled!—by the second verse.
How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives;
But greater still the calm assurance:
This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!
You know you're loved when the worship leader picks a song to help celebrate your son's birth.

By the time we shut down the place with all the happy congratulations, Caleb was getting fussy. We quickly stopped to borrow a few more newborn outfits and then off to Chipotle. While Phil waited in line and ordered, I sat peacefully in the car and fed the baby.

Phil and I, along with the three younger boys, then hit Whole Foods. I was preparing the Ergo carrier for Caleb, when Phil picked up his little son and was ready to go. He walked through the entire store with the baby in his arms. Abraham helped Phil grind a couple pounds of coffee, then Abraham came and wrote numbers for bulk bin spices on tape for me. He said, "I never realized helping in the grocery store could be so not boring!" Which isn't quite the same as fun, but it's a good realization to have, I suppose.

We didn't have time to go home, but headed straight off to our friends' house where we spent a lively hour playing charades, and several hours after that visiting and talking.

Since our wedding day, I don't know that I've had a day filled with such a feeling of community rejoicing with me. The church community; the girl at Chipotle who gasped at a five-day old, then pointed him out to her boyfriend; our friend at Whole Foods who gave me a hug and hearty congratulations; the smaller gathering afterwards. Each stop felt like a celebration.

After living here for four years, on one level I know that we have made friends. But it was the best kind of surprise to realize just how many friends we have made.

Bliss, indeed.


  1. OH to be loved not just by God, but also by man. Between your baby hormones and your wonderful Sunday, you've not sounded so happy in long time. Hold on to it!!
