Friday, October 25, 2013

Drywall, Day Three

With the drywall all hung, we just needed the mudding and taping done.

At 10:30 on Thursday, no workers had shown up yet. This was a bummer! I hadn't realized there was no guarantee the finisher would come, and the idea of having to wait through the weekend for any additional real progress ... it bummed me out.

Close to noon, though, the finishers arrived. And they were lightning. They did the mudding, taping, and a second layer of mudding on all walls in about three hours. They worked so fast, I only have Phil's description of what they did.

First comes mudding, which is inserting a thick mud compound into all joints. Then unroll tape along all joints, and cover with a second layer of mud. All nail and screw holes also get patched up.

Because of the color difference, the wall doesn't really look "better" necessarily, but it has been worked on, clearly.

After one more day of drywall, we'll be about ready to paint. And so, suddenly, finishing the parge-coating just became a priority. Phil had to do a bit more chicken wire stapling.

Then he parge-coated a first layer over two windows.

The chicken wire still shows through, but another coat should take care of that.

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