Sunday, October 13, 2013

Saturday: A Good Day

After feeling like Caleb ate 18 hours on Friday (whether true or not, I certainly felt like he ate all day and night), I was pleased that he figured out on Saturday that he could both eat and not eat. It is sustainable to feed a baby every two or three hours, but not if those feedings also last two or three hours. He is getting a rhythm, if not a schedule.

Jadon had had hives Wednesday and twice Thursday and Friday. I tried everything I could think of to help him, but even with all the natural remedies, he still sat, scratching and practically in tears, for hours. Saturday I sent him up with Phil to a natural foods store renowned for their good suggestions. When Phil told the woman what we had tried (attempted removal of Jadon from the allergen, vitamin C, quercitin and nettle pills, a trifecta of homeopathy: Apis mellifica, Urtica urens, Rhus tox, soak hives in apple cider vinegar), the woman said that was all exactly right, but did have a "Hive" homeopathic combination remedy.

Whether Jadon's system just needed about 24 hours away from whatever was triggering him in the RV, or whether it really was either a different deodorant (that was replaced) or a new blanket that had never been washed (and is now stored in a plastic bag), Jadon hasn't needed the "Hive" remedy. What a relief to feel like we're getting on top of that.

Phil had a men's meeting in the morning. I confidently sent him off for a 9:30 start. Only to realize, when I checked the calendar again, that I had completely misread the start time: he was supposed to be there at 9:30. Chagrined, I sent him a mea culpa text. He laughed when he came home and said, "Today, no one would fault us for being a half hour late." He had had a good time with the men, and a good time running errands with Jadon.

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