Phil went to pick up ducklings at the post office this morning. The box of quackers, filled with five varieties of ducks (four of each type) amused us. The ducklings were very vigorous, jumping around, drinking greedily, running into each other. The chicks we got last week are a bit bigger. The ducklings' fluff is a bit more coarse than the down on the chicks; they feel a bit like bunnies. I was surprised that the don't really quack, but trill high pitched cheeps, like the chicks.
Isaiah managed to catch Tux the Hen. She is too quick for me, so Isaiah proves his athleticism.
Phil and I took a walk over to the neighbor's land. A small section, seeded last fall, has a good stand of rye grass.
The peas and triticale, planted just three weeks ago, has sprouted admirably. Which makes sense, because we've had, in my limited experience, ideal moisture and warmth. God has been very gracious.
The chestnuts are budding out, too. They still look like little twigs, but living twigs now.
Overall, we were pleased to see large swaths with sprouted greens (Phil is standing in one of the better ones).
One section has almost no peas and triticale, but a small stand of grasses. In the background, you can see redbuds (purple) and dogwoods (white). Last year I don't remember seeing the dogwoods at all, so that is quite pleasant!
As we circled back home, we stopped to see our heifers and calves in the lower pasture.
Little Cleo tends to be always on the outside. I sidled up to her and she didn't bolt. She let me scratch her behind the ears, then let me rub her neck. She took a few steps away, but then stood while I scratched her and loved on her. What a joy!
Joe proudly helped carry hay.
Isaiah and I finished planting out the other three varieties of unusual potatoes. I heeled in 100 raspberries, but am not sure where to put the other 250.
When I went to water the greenhouse plants, I was astonished to see that the tomatoes appeared to have grown about three inches overnight.
And I have a new friend in the greenhouse. Watering, I noticed what looked like a clod of clay.
Life everywhere!

The ducklings are adorable. Just read your post on Sonlight about Weston Price. I so agree. We've been fed a lie about our food. I'm so happy to be enjoying butter guilt free!
What a beautiful post with all the photos! Thanks for sharing. This is a beautiful time of year!