One of the bullets we've dodged so far struck today. We arrived home to find one of our true ranging chickens (who escape the poultry net that protects the majority of the flock), savagely mauled, dead. Was it the local fox? Some other predator? We don't know.
While I took a nap, Phil thought it would be fun to try out the mower attachment on the tractor. He had finished the apple orchard while I slept, and was almost done with the stone fruits (which was, perhaps, a bit tight to use the tractor). It seems odd to cut down green growth, rather than using animals to mow it, but I think the plan is to keep the weeds down in order to allow the grasses and forages to grow well.
The boys used the train set to make an impressive track. They had a great time.

In this photo, the train skirts "the pit of despair," a large hole Jadon has been digging on-and-off for some time.
Phil has lined our driveway with an impressive number of large hay bales. The creative boys, lacking a playset, put a piece of lumber between two, and, after clambering up a bale, go back and forth.

The older two put a safety stipulation on the board: due to tippy-ness, only one boy allowed on at a time.

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